ESL Blues

Progress Test Higher Levels 7b

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1. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

My memory is failing me. I place notes about things that need doing all over the bathroom mirror _____ forget.

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2. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

It was an alumni reunion, and we were once again getting together as old friends, but I was not _____ happy with some of the boastful comments I heard.

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3. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

I can't open the back of my phone to change my SIM card. I've tried everything. It's _____. The back won't come off.

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4. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

There are times when I am so preoccupied by my problems that I am _____ of the world around me.

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5. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

When the _____ of the damage caused by the 2008 financial crisis became known, many economies went into recession.

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6. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

_____ no fault of our own, we were unable to deliver the product on time.

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7. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

I don't intend to _____ the goals I set myself when I embarked on this community project. I want to help those who need my help.

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8. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

I know that your task seems an impossible one, but I expect _____ of you than that you do your best, whatever the outcome.

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9. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

It's hard to have a nice chat with my friends when we eat out. Loud people I can deal with, but loud music? No way! But it seems to have become _____ rather than the exception in downtown restaurants.

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10. Choose the correct response. In some cases there is more than one, or none at all:

I _____ asking my parents for a loan. They believe in self-reliance.

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